Most Common Winter Sports Injuries

Winter brings many popular cold-weather activities, like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and sledding.  Cooler temperatures and slippery surfaces, however, also lead to an increased risk of certain sports injuries. At Sports & Spine Rehab Systems, your chiropractor in Southlake, TX, can benefit from, we can help treat many cases of common winter sports injuries. Here’s an overview of some of the injuries we may encounter:

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are one of the top injuries across most winter sports. The ankle joint is already prone to sprains due to its complex structure. Add in stiff boots, slick surfaces, and high speeds, and the ankle becomes even more vulnerable. Sprains occur from awkward twisting or rolling of the joint beyond its normal limits. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and instability of the ankle. Rest, compression, elevation, and rehab exercises can help promote proper healing of sprained ligaments.

Knee Injuries

The knee endures a lot of strain in winter athletics as well. Skiers and other athletes especially put tremendous pressure on knees which can lead to issues like meniscus tears, dislocations, or fractures.

Head Injuries

Traumatic head injuries are always a major concern in winter sports like skiing, sledding, snowboarding, ice hockey, and snowmobiling. Many occur from colliding with objects, the ground, or other players. Always wear properly fitted helmets to help reduce injury severity.

Back Pain

The jarring motions and heavy equipment used in many cold weather activities can aggravate back pain. Different types of winter sports may require extensive use of back muscles, which can trigger spasms and stiffness. Proper stretching and core strengthening may help prevent and treat activity-related back pain. A chiropractic adjustment near you might also help to minimize pain and help with recovery.

Get a Chiropractic Adjustment Near You from a Chiropractor Near You

Our team at Sports & Spine Rehab Systems provides chiropractic care, corrective exercises, and,pre to treat many types of winter sports injuries. Call us today to schedule an evaluation. Call us at (817) 431-6628 for a chiropractic adjustment near you from a chiropractor near you. A chiropractor in Southlake, TX, can benefit from is here to help.

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